Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Nice

I received an email from the GOP asking for MY opinion on where we should go from here now that we have a conservative majority in both the House and the Senate.  WOW!  OK!  Lets get started!

Stick with the Constitution.
Block every move Obama makes contrary to it. Exercise the power of the purse strings even if it gets politically uncomfortable.
     He says "Everyone knows our immigration system is broken" and uses that as a cliche' to impose HIS will on a nation contrary to our desire.  Think of American workers FIRST before granting work visas to millions who usurp the system like HE has also done.  Secure the border. Enforce extant laws.  Stop birthright citizenship to babies born here from parents that are not US Citizens.  Grant merciful and compassionate immigration rulings on a case by case basis not forgetting the many good immigrants that have  LEGALLY applied and are waiting patiently for the system to work for them in the mean time.

Hold Obama and his underlings accountable for involvement in the myriad of tragic scandals and coverups (fast & furious, Benghazi, IRS, etc. etc.).  Impeach, arrest, prosecute, and mete out justice for all the hurt they have done to the American way. 

Dismantle and de-fund the thousands of pages of the unaffordable no-care act one chunk at a time starting with the mandate for all to take it except the elite politicians etc. (Personally, I think we should take the cushy pensions and benefits from the professional political hacks and use those funds to pay back the IOU's in the Social Security slush fund)  Make double sure that not one cent of taxpayer dollars is spent to pay for abortion on demand. De-fund Planned Parenthood.   Protect those who have religious reservations about those aspects of this bogus bill. 

Abolish the corrupt IRS and pass HJ Res.16, HR 25 & S 122. 

Protect the elderly on SS & Medicare etc. especially the veterans.    Make the department of Veteran Affairs one of the best healthcare providers in our Nation.  Keep our Armed Forces STRONG.  In regard to foreign policy, be the best friend Israel has on this hearth.  Stop giving money, military arms/expertise and other support to those that are openly harboring enemies to America.  Support our friends not our enemies.  If the UN wants to usurp American Sovereignty, kick them out of New York and De-fund all anti-American UN activity.  It is time for some American Exceptional-ism (in all humility) and those that do not like it deserve an economical smack down. If they do not like the "greedy" Capitalism of America, let them grovel at the feet of the Socialists in the world instead.

Do all that must be done to make America energy independent and by that I do NOT mean force so-called green alternatives on us to the total exclusion of fossil fuels etc.  American ingenuity and innovation by small business entrepreneurs will work a lot better than a central government  mandating the demands of fear mongering globalists with their bogus science of an irrevocable climate change that will destroy humanity. 

Pass a "Person-hood at conception" Bill to protect human life.  I do not understand how the so-called bleeding heart progressives are so all fired irately against this idea if they REALLY care about human life.  END the American Holocaust that began with Roe vs Wade and continues to march on shedding innocent blood in deadly devastation.

Oh, yes,  Make sure my second amendment rights are preserved and held in the highest esteem.

Well, I better stop for now but thanks for asking.  It would be wonderful if something about my thoughts here in were actually taken seriously in Washington D.C. for a change. 

Yours Truly,
Larry J. Killion

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