Monday, November 24, 2014

Gardens to become illegal?

You need to know what toxins are in our food...
Oli Fischer has the details below.
- 'Above Average' Joe

Dear Survivalists,
Right now, laws are being drafted in Washington D.C. to outlaw your ability to grow your own food...
...Because they want you to stay completely dependent on the corporate food supply system.
Believe it or not, American families are the most at-risk, even more than the poor souls in the 3rd World.
Because Americans are 100% completely dependent on massive food conglomerates like Monsanto...
...Corporations that treat Americans like lab rats for their terrifying research on the very food that’s supposed to sustain and nourish you.
They’ve mixed fish DNA into tomatoes, scorpion DNA into cabbage, and even syringed pesticides directly into the DNA of the food at your local grocery store...
...Foods that are proven to cause cancer in test animals.
Most developed countries have banned these toxic foods, but not the US.
The food conglomerates and politicians in America believe that you will just sit back and take it...
It doesn’t matter what kind of vile concoction they put on the shelves, they think that you’ll turn a blind eye and feed it to your family.
But one man has spent the last 7 years perfecting the perfect solution...
Thousands of Americans are telling Monsanto where to stick its toxic foods and slashing their grocery bills with this system.
In Liberty,
Oli Fischer

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