Monday, October 20, 2014

Gun Free Zones

UGAR newsletter
The "Gun Free" Zone Survival Guide ...
If there is one thing we all know -- it's criminals do NOT follow the law. 
(That's why they call them criminals!)
But career politicians up in their ivory towers on Capitol Hill still think it's a good idea to Federally mandate "Target Rich" areas commonly called "gun free" zones.
Of course, the only people who follow the "no guns" rule in these areas are law abiding citizens like you and I.
The truth is, almost every single mass murder (aka "Active shooter") event has happened in a "Gun Free" zone.
Would you know what to do if someone started shooting in a "Gun Free" zone?
If not click the link below to get up to speed fast

"Molon Labe!"
Caleb Lee Signature
Caleb Lee

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