Monday, August 25, 2014

Why Train with a Gun?

Knowledge is your best weapon. Preparation is your best defense.

Life Put Into Perspective In Just 25 Words...

Dear responsibly armed American,
The latest issue of Concealed Carry Magazine
will be hitting 120,000+ doorsteps across America this week.
And it hit my desk this Tuesday.
While I was paging through the Letters to the Editor
section, I noticed something that I absolutely had to share with you...

Here's this month's first letter to the editor:

Thank you to Carlton for sharing this with us.

Now, I don't know about you, but that message left
me speechless and brought a few tears to my eyes...

You see, this short note completely expresses the exact reason I created
Concealed Carry Magazine from my kitchen table over ten years ago!

Your family looks to you as their protector, as their knight in
shining armor, as their defense against all that is evil in the world!
And the lifesaving information, expert training and tips, real-life
stories, and unbiased gear reviews in Concealed Carry Magazine
can help transform you into that protector that your family knows you are.

Will you join me on this journey?

THIS is why I train! <==Click here
Take care and stay safe,

Tim Schmidt
President | USCCA

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